Viarent is a brand-free lessor of utility vehicles and is in contact with almost all of the major European manufacturers. Our fleet mainly consists of 3.5 ton vans, 6-18 ton trucks, semitrailers and tractors that are suitable for a variety transport tasks.
Why is it good to rent?
Predictable costs
The costs of transport can be planned: all expenses are covered by the rental price (e.g. maintenance, taxes, insurance, etc.) Our vehicles can be put into service by paying a monthly rental fee.
Replacement vehicle without delay
You cannot afford to have vehicles out of work; therefore, in the event of breakdown, repairs are performed as soon as possible, or a replacement vehicle is provided.
Excellent technical and aesthetic condition
As a result of regular maintenance our vehicles are in an excellent condition technically and aesthetically, which will give your customers a good impression of your company.
Economical operation of vehicles
Our modern vehicles are equipped with a tracking system through which the vehicle and the driver can be monitored continuously. This allows for substantial fuel savings.
The administrative work is on us
You can save time and money by allowing us to do the paperwork. We will take care of everything for You, whether it be insurance, license plate, tax or technical administration.
Flexible adaptation, fleet management
Our rental constructions enable your company to adapt to a variety of tasks, making it even more competitive. For example, if your transportation assignment changes, your vehicle may also be exchanged for one that is more suitable for the given assignment.
Compliance with the standards
Legal provisions are becoming increasingly rigorous. You need a transport vehicle that complies with the regulations at all times
Unique design needs
Is the image of your company a major concern to you? With long term rentals, you can put your unique graphic design or logo on the vehicles.
Your needs are in the centre of our services. Our fast-changing modern world requires everyone to be increasingly more flexible. It is with this in mind that we are offering efficient and reliable solutions with our utility vehicle rental constructions.
Long and short term rental
Choose renting instead of leasing! We offer vans, lorries, trucks, communal vehicles, tractors and semitrailers suitable for a variety of transport tasks. -
Retail rental
Whenever you are in need of a lorry, whether it is moving, transport of furniture or corporate procurement, VIARENT is there to help you. -
Top Quality - Second-hand vehicle sales
These top quality and regularly serviced utility vehicles come from a reliable source with guaranteed mileage. They were previously available from our car rental fleet.